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Poko's Adventures

Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog
Poko's Adventures

Day 3

It’s the morning of Day 4, but I didn’t recap yesterday’s acheivements.  Things are going well.  Poko is moving around a little more.  He’s happy to go outside, sniff around, and do his business.  I was worried about how he was going to do, but he figured things out easily, although he needed to be off leash for #2.

I put out a couple extra floor mats, because the transition between carpet and hardwood is a little tricky.  Poko does fine on either, but it’s hard to go from carpet to hardwood.

I’m still sleeping on the couch and Poko wakes up to go outside once in the night.  He wakes a couple of times to reposition himself and sometimes has a little trouble laying down again.  Seems like he turns in the wrong direction, and can’t break the habit.  So I try to help him out by telling him sit, and then down, rather than tucking his bum under.

I haven’t been making him do anything for his treats the last few days (usually it’s sit, shake a paw, down, etc), but yesterday while waiting for his treat, he sat down on his own 🙂  He’s wagging his tail when I get home, and the bruising is improving quickly.  In a week he’ll look a lot better!  Just wait til the hair comes back!

3 days post op - much less bruising


Thanks to everyone for the calls, emails, and well wishes!

Mira and Poko

2 Responses to “Day 3”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    good to hear that poko’s bruising is improving. sounds like he’s doing very well – it just takes a little time to figure out a ‘new way’ to do ‘old things’…but he’s a smart boy and will do great!!

    charon & gayle

  2.   AbbysMom Says:

    Sounds like he’s doing well, which is good to hear.

    That is sweet about him sitting on his own for his treat. Cute. 🙂 I remember shortly after Abby’s amp (she is a right front leg amp) I joked to a friend, while giving Abby a treat, “I guess it was a waste of time to teach her to shake!” and when Abby heard shake, she sat up and offered me her remaining front paw. So cute! I was so impressed with her. You will be very impressed with Poko too when you see him adapt so well to everything!

    Give him some hugs and kisses from me and Abby!
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

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