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Poko's Adventures

Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog
Poko's Adventures

2 1/2 months out…back to normal

Well, Poko is about 2 1/2 months out from his surgery (Nov 11, 2011).  We are back to a normal routine.  We’re walking once or twice a day, no more than 30 minutes at a time, even though Poko would like to go longer.  After his walks he’s tired, but he loves it so much he’d keep going if I let him.

He’s re-learned to walk on “heal” again.  In the beginning I was slack, and let Poko go ahead of me on  a retractable leash.  I let him sniff, and lag behind, run ahead…all the bad habits I didn’t let him do before.  He quickly figured out he could go faster and pull me along.  I’d trot along with him 🙂  Mistake.  I put him back on a regular leash, and regained the calmer way of walking.  I make sure Poko gets some off leash time on a trail near our house, but he has to be on heal until we get there.  Here’s a pick of the trail:

Poko’s mood has also improved tremendously.  I didn’t really get how much pain he had with his torn ACL.  He smiles a lot more now, and he wags his tail a lot more too!  He’s less man-shy, and even lets guys at the dog park pet him!  At doggy-day care, he’s back to hanging out with his friend, Jax, and a new friend Lucy…who likes to run back and forth with Poko.

I worried about the snow and ice (in Washington state, we don’t get a lot, but we had 4 days so far this year).  Poko did better than I did!

I’ve also gotten over the pity feeling when someone asks how he lost his leg.  He acts so normal about it (how else can he act?), so that’s what I started to do.  I just proudly say that he had a torn ACL and he’s fully recovered and happy again!  If they say poor guy…I say “Three legs and a spare, he just lost the spare”.  Smile 🙂  People take their lead from you, and so does the dog…so I just say it how it is, and I’m happy to have my dog back in action!  No guilt, no pity.

The tripawds website has been a saving grace throughout this time.  Learning from others, support from others and having a understanding community has been the greatest gift to me.  Thanks to everyone!

3 Responses to “2 1/2 months out…back to normal”

  1.   doggiemomma9 Says:

    Yeah Poko! So glad to hear you are back to normal! Hope are getting some treats, too!

    Tripawds rocks!!!!

    nancy and butchey

  2.   etgayle Says:

    what a great update!! so glad poko is doing well and loving life. good to hear he is feeling so much better without all the pain, and is learning to maneuver the snow and ice too!!

    charon & spirit gayle

  3.   jerry Says:

    Hey Poko, you’re lookin’ good! Sounds like your humans are back into your old routine again, you know, all that heeling and obedience stuff. Well, even though you can’t get away with all that now, it’s nice to have your old life back, isn’t it?

    We’re so hoppy for you!

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