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Poko's Adventures

Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog
Poko's Adventures

Day 2 post-op

Posted in Uncategorized on November 13, 2011 by Mira

Things are plugging along.  Last night went ok.  Poko had a little bit of a hard time settling in for the evening- mostly my fault though.  I moved his bed next to the couch but he is a creature of habit, and wanted it at the bottom of the stairs.  The recommendations are to keep him pretty contained, but he wants his regular sleep spot.  Once we moved things back, he layed down and slept most of the night.  Just woke once to go outside.

Poko woke up this morning and was wagging his tail!  He’s still pretty tired and a little weak.  He’s eating his dry food, with a little wet food mixed in to stimulate his appetite.  He had a little more trouble as the day progressed with the back step (there’s only one step, but it’s the only way out of the house!).  He looked at it, and mustered some energy to make it.  He’s a tough dog!

Poko is also trying some weird maneuvers to pee.  He wants to lift his left hind leg, but then can only balance on his front legs for a couple of seconds.  The rest of the time, he tilts and pees just fine.  He’s figuring it all out.


Surgery results

Posted in Uncategorized on November 12, 2011 by Mira

Poko had his surgery Friday and did great!  The vet clinic called me in the late afternoon to let me know he had been up, walked outside unassisted, and peed without a problem!

I picked up Poko this morning and am amazed!  He walks as if nothing happened.  He got into the car without help, and was smiling at me on the drive home.  He’s on a bunch of pain meds…but seems to be doing very well.  He’s tired and not too hungry.  He’s just laying around, resting.  Not sleeping, but just laying low.

The incision looks big, but I think the worst part is the buising.  It looks red and sore, but it’s just normal bruising.  The shave job also looks extremely strange.  The good part is that he’s not licking or biting at the incision.

Poko One day post-op Nov 12, 2011

So far, things are going well.  Thanks to everyone at Tripawds for sharing their experiences and stories.  It would have been much harder if I wasn’t prepared.  We’re on the road to recovery now!


Poko’s story

Posted in Uncategorized on November 11, 2011 by Mira


Poko and Gavriel

Here is a little more information on my sweet dog, Poko.

In 2008 I had 2 great dogs, Gavriel (12, Greyhound/Shepard) and Mulutka (4, Whippet/Black lab).  I lost Malutka after she was hit by a truck.  I was lucky to adopt Poko, 6 months later.  He was in foster care – from an abusive home where the man kicked him around.  His name was Jesse James, but I immediately changed that when we started our new journey together.  He got the name Poko for a few reasons (it just all fit together):  He has a polka-dot tongue, he used to poke me to get my attention, and from the Fred Penner song about a dog named Poko (that was black-white and brown!).  So he became Poko, sometimes called Mr. Poko, Pokey, Pokito or the Pokster.

As Gavriel aged, he was no longer able to go on long walks because of his arthritis, but he HATED being left behind.  We could hear him howl for blocks!  I trained Poko to pull Gavriel in a large garden wagon.  My neighbors probably thought I was nuts!  But it keep our pack together, and enjoying our walks.  Poko loved pulling the wagon, and he could trot along with Gavriel (and sometimes groceries too) in tow.  When it wasn’t the wagon, it was his back-pack full of groceries.  He liked being useful!

In April, 2010, Gavriel’s time came, when he was 15.  Poko and I had a hard time losing him.  We’ve moved to a new house, and are not able to get another dog (no fenced yard).  Poko has been a great hiking dog, sits next to me while I garden, is a great guard dog and is friendly with all dogs.  He tore his ACL while on a long hike with his dog buddy – Jax, in March 2011.

I think that what I miss most has been our walks together.  I know it won’t be the same, but at least Poko will be able to go on walks again.  And he’ll be able to play without me worring about another injury.

Tomorrow is the big day.  I’m encouraged by everyone’s experiences and looking forward to many more years with a happy and painfree dog!  Thanks again for the words of encouragement and support.

Mira (and Poko)

Poko on adoption day in August 2008

Posted in Uncategorized on November 10, 2011 by Mira

New Territory

Posted in Uncategorized on November 9, 2011 by Mira

I’m so glad to have found this site.  It’s inspirational!

My situation is a little different than most.  My dog, Poko, is a 6 year old black lab mix.  He had a torn ACL (right rear leg) almost a year ago.  I tried conservative therapy first, and anti-inflammatories, and laser treatment.  The laser treatment helped tremendously, but Poko reinjured himself last week.  This time was the worst ever.  He has had set backs, but not like this.  He is unable to put his leg down at all.  He’s been functioning as a 3 legged hop-along dog, off and on for the last year.

For many different reasons, I’ve decided to amputate his leg, rather than have reconstructive knee surgery.  This was an extremely difficult decision, and has come with a lot of guilt (on my part), dismay (from others), and fear.  I chose the amputation because I was never able to fully restrict his activities, which would be needed if he had knee surgery.  Poko is like my shadow, he follows me from room to room and has always been a very active dog.

I feel that this will be the best for him, as far as recovery to a normal life.  My boyfriend is shocked that I would do this.  Other people seem to think that amputation should be the last resort.  I agree, and disagree.  Torn by the philosophical issues versus the practical issues.

My vet was great.  We’ve been discussing our options over the last year, changing things as we go along.  He’s supportive of my decision and understands that the recovery process following knee surgery would be too challenging.  He’s helping us get through this transition.

Poko’s ampuation will be in 2 days, on Friday.  I’m afraid, hopeful, sad, and somehow, relieved (that this will be over soon).

Again, I’m glad to have found this site.  The information is excellent, and will help us get through this.

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